203.2 Lesson - collectible

Screen: collectible

Headline: Four Stages of Money: Collectible

Reward: 2

Text: Throughout history, money has gone through four stages of development. In the very beginning, people only wanted money because of its special qualities, and it was mostly seen as a decorative item or a collectible.;

Examples of this include shells, beads, and gold, which were all collectibles before becoming widely used as money.



Question: What were some examples of early forms of money that were valued for their appearance or special qualities?

Answer: Coins made of copper and silver

Feedback: Sorry, that's incorrect. Copper and silver coins were not used as money in the very beginning of its evolution

Correct: true

Answer: Shells, beads, and gold

Feedback: Congratulations, you got it right! It's interesting to note that shells, beads, and gold were all valued for their appearance or special qualities before becoming widely used as money

Correct: false

Answer: Paper bills with pictures of famous leaders

Feedback: Wrong! But at least you're thinking about the more modern forms of money. Paper bills with pictures of famous leaders were not used in the very beginning of money's evolution.

Correct: false

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